Spam statistics of AS32444 ANTHEMBB

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-1 256594.70%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS32444

Owner of AS32444

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS32444 is MetroCast Communications, which is a part of Atlantic Broadband, a cable company that provides internet, TV, and phone services.

Main Operational Activity of AS32444's Owner

The main operational activity of AS32444's owner, MetroCast Communications, involves providing broadband services to residential and business customers. Their services include high-speed internet access, digital television, and VOIP telephone service.

Establishment of AS32444

There is no specific public information readily available regarding the exact establishment date of AS32444. Typically, the creation date of an autonomous system number is not widely published; however, changes in ownership or operational status can be tracked through various network databases and registries.

Malicious Use of AS32444

According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, there have been reports of spam activities associated with AS32444. It appears that some IP addresses within this autonomous system may have been used for sending unsolicited emails or other spam-related activities. However, it's important to note that large networks often have incidents of abuse and the presence of spam from certain IPs does not necessarily indicate widespread malicious intent by the owner of the AS.

If you are looking for real-time details or historical data about the reputation of AS32444, you would typically reference security databases and anti-spam organizations such as CleanTalk, but since direct linking is disallowed in this response, please visit their website directly and search for AS32444 to find the most up-to-date information.

WhoIs AS32444


SPAM active IP addresses in AS32444 ANTHEMBB

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 02:50:222024-10-04 04:35:2628 13:10:462024-09-25 18:55:265

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States204887151.00% States20488670.00%
376.8.8.0/21United States204810670.00%
4216.57.160.0/21United States20488970.00%
575.98.144.0/23United States5121751.00%
6216.57.168.0/23United States5122741.00%
775.98.145.0/24United States2561231.00%
875.98.146.0/24United States2561031.00%
975.98.158.0/23United States5123031.00%
10216.57.165.0/24United States2561031.00%
11216.57.175.0/24United States2561731.00%
1275.98.144.0/24United States256521.00%
1375.98.147.0/24United States2561221.00%
1475.98.148.0/24United States2561421.00%
1575.98.149.0/24United States2561921.00%
1675.98.159.0/24United States2561321.00%
1776.8.3.0/24United States2561321.00%
1876.8.4.0/24United States2561521.00%
19162.212.198.0/24United States256921.00%
20199.33.218.0/24United States2561321.00%
21216.57.160.0/23United States5122020.00%
22216.57.168.0/24United States2561421.00%
23216.57.169.0/24United States2561321.00%
24216.57.173.0/24United States2561921.00%
2538.13.228.0/22United States10243510.00%
2638.18.208.0/22United States10243710.00%
2738.18.220.0/22United States10243910.00%
2875.98.151.0/24United States2561010.00%
2975.98.156.0/23United States5121910.00%
3075.98.156.0/24United States2561110.00%

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