AS327754 RMS-Powertronics

Spam statistics of AS327754 RMS-Powertronics

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Africa
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS327754

Ownership and Main Operational Activity

The owner of AS327754 is RM Education Ltd, a company that specializes in providing technology supplies and services for the education sector. Their main operational activity includes offering infrastructure to schools that include software, hardware, and internet connectivity, as well as other ICT solutions aimed at enhancing the learning environment.

Establishment Date

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS327754 within this context. Information about the establishment of Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) is typically maintained by regional internet registries, but such details are often not publicly disclosed or may require more in-depth research to obtain precise dates.

Malicious Use of AS327754

According to data from CleanTalk, there is no evidence that suggests AS327754 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it's important to note that this information can change over time, and any Autonomous System may potentially be abused if proper security measures are not put in place and maintained by its administrators.

As of the last check on the provided URL,, there were no malicious activities reported associated with AS327754. It's crucial for network administrators to continually monitor their systems to prevent any misuse and to contribute to a safer online environment for users.

WhoIs AS327754


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Africa2048235100.00%
2154.73.208.0/21South Africa2048219100.00%
380.95.0.0/22South Africa102410671.00%
4154.73.215.0/24South Africa2564642.00%
580.95.3.0/24South Africa2563031.00%
680.95.5.0/24South Africa2565031.00%
780.95.0.0/24South Africa2563321.00%
880.95.1.0/24South Africa2563121.00%
9154.73.212.0/24South Africa2564221.00%
10154.73.208.0/24South Africa256610.00%
11154.73.209.0/24South Africa2562310.00%
12154.73.210.0/24South Africa2561110.00%
13154.73.214.0/24South Africa2563310.00%
1480.95.2.0/24South Africa2561200.00%
1580.95.4.0/24South Africa2563800.00%
1680.95.7.0/24South Africa2562500.00%
17102.217.232.0/22South Africa102413900.00%
18102.217.232.0/24South Africa2563100.00%
19102.223.240.0/22South Africa10248200.00%
20102.223.240.0/24South Africa2564800.00%
21102.223.240.0/23South Africa5127700.00%
22154.73.213.0/24South Africa2565500.00%

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