AS327939 Logicalis-AS

Spam statistics of AS327939 Logicalis-AS

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Africa
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS327939

AS327939 Owner

The owner of AS327939 is identified as Africell Holding. Africell is a telecommunications company that operates in several African countries, providing a variety of services including mobile phone networks and internet services.

Main Operational Activity of Africell Holding

Africell's main operational activity involves offering mobile telecommunication services such as voice, data, and SMS to customers in Africa. They are known for their competitive pricing and coverage, especially in the countries where they operate.

Establishment Date of AS327939

The exact date when AS327939 was established isn't publicly disclosed in the standard registry databases. However, autonomous systems numbers (ASNs) are typically assigned at the time an organization requires the ability to route IP traffic on the internet, which often coincides with the expansion or establishment of its network infrastructure.

Usage of AS327939 by Hackers or Spammers

According to the data available from, there does not appear to be significant evidence of hackers or spammers using AS327939 with malicious intent. CleanTalk provides a blacklist monitoring service, and any presence of AS327939 on such lists would suggest misuse for spam or other malicious activities. As of my knowledge cutoff date, no such abuse has been reported, but it is important to note that this information could change, and real-time checks are recommended for the most accurate status.

WhoIs AS327939


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1196.13.176.0/21South Africa20482410.00%
2196.13.178.0/23South Africa5121010.00%
3196.13.176.0/23South Africa512600.00%
4196.13.180.0/23South Africa512800.00%

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