AS328779 Proline-Technologies, NG

Spam statistics of AS328779 Proline-Technologies, NG

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS328779

Owner of AS328779

The Autonomous System (AS) number 328779 is registered to Africa on Cloud, a company that specializes in providing cloud services and solutions.

Main Operational Activity

Africa on Cloud's main operational activity involves offering various cloud-based services designed to enhance the digital infrastructure of businesses in Africa. This includes cloud hosting, virtual servers, and other IT services tailored to the needs of their clients.

Establishment of AS328779

The specific establishment date of AS328779 is not readily available in public records; however, the creation of such autonomous systems usually coincides with the operational expansion of a business when it requires a unique internet presence and control over its IP address space.

Malicious Use of AS328779

According to data from, as of the current knowledge cutoff date, there is no explicit evidence that indicates AS328779 is being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, this does not guarantee that individual users within the network have never engaged in such activities, as misuse can occur within any network. It is important for network owners to monitor and take preventive measures against such misuse.

Details from provides a blacklist checking service where you can find information about different AS numbers and their potential involvement in spam or malicious activities. Any details regarding AS328779 reported by CleanTalk would be based on their proprietary methods for detecting and documenting such incidents involving the respective autonomous system.

WhoIs AS328779


Detected networks prefixes

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