AS34100 Stortinget

Spam statistics of AS34100 Stortinget

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS34100

Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS34100 is a distinct network on the internet, managed by its owner and operator.

Owner of AS34100

The registered owner of AS34100 is currently not specified in this context. The information about ASN owners is typically found in databases like WHOIS or through network information centers specific to the region where the ASN is registered.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS34100's owner would involve managing the routing of internet traffic pertaining to their network. This includes ensuring that their network is reachable from other parts of the internet, maintaining the security and integrity of their network, and possibly providing services such as web hosting, internet access, or other online services.

Establishment of AS34100

The establishment date of AS34100 is not readily available without accessing specific registry data or historical records for the ASN.

Malicious Intent

Regarding whether hackers or spammers use AS34100 with malicious intent, as of the knowledge cutoff date, there are no specific details mentioned about AS34100 being used for malicious activities, such as hosting malware, sending spam, or participating in botnet command and control. For the most up-to-date information regarding any potential abuse coming from AS34100, one would need to consult real-time security databases or blacklists such as CleanTalk. However, here is a general note:

It is important for ASN owners to monitor their networks for signs of malicious activity and take appropriate action to mitigate it to maintain the trust and reliability of their services.

CleanTalk Database Information

As per the provided URL, if you were to visit the CleanTalk website, you could search for AS34100 to see if there have been recent reports or activities logged against this ASN. It is crucial to refer to such databases for current data on any suspected misuse or security issues associated with an ASN.

WhoIs AS34100


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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