Spam statistics of AS3657 TSS-NET

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States116Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS3657

Ownership and Operational Activity

AS3657, also known as Autonomous System Number 3657, is owned by Interoute Communications Ltd. This company's main operational activity involves providing extensive network infrastructure and related services across Europe. Their services include cloud hosting, internet connectivity, and a range of communication solutions tailored for various businesses.

Establishment of AS3657

The exact establishment date of AS3657 is not publicly documented in common resources; however, the history of Interoute Communications Ltd extends over several decades, indicating that AS3657 has likely been operational since the early days of the company's expansion of its telecommunications infrastructure.

Security Concerns and Misuse

Like many large networks, AS3657 may be a target for hackers or spammers looking to exploit its resources. According to data from CleanTalk, it appears that there have been incidents where AS3657 was used with malicious intent. However, this information should be interpreted with caution, as it could reflect a small fraction of the overall traffic passing through the network, and does not necessarily implicate the owner in any wrongdoing. CleanTalk provides a blacklist service, and being listed there can indicate that some of the traffic coming from AS3657 was flagged as spam or related to malicious activities.

Additional Details

For current details on the reputation of AS3657 or any security events associated with it, one would need to refer to updated security databases or contact the network's administrative contacts directly. As these details are dynamic and can change frequently, regular monitoring is recommended for users concerned about security and the potential misuse of network resources.

WhoIs AS3657


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States20483000.00% States40963900.00%
366.7.96.0/24United States2561600.00%