AS37642 Comnet-Lesotho-AS

Spam statistics of AS37642 Comnet-Lesotho-AS

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS37642

Owner of AS37642

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 37642 is ITERELATE. ITERELATE is a company that provides various ICT solutions and services.

Main Operational Activity of ITERELATE

ITERELATE's main operational activity includes offering services such as cloud computing, managed services, and IT consultancy, focusing on providing high-quality ICT solutions to their customers.

Establishment of AS37642

Unfortunately, the exact establishment date of AS37642 is not publicly disclosed in common resources. For precise details about its inception, one would typically need access to internal company records or specific databases that track the registration of AS numbers.

Malicious Use of AS37642

There are no conclusive public reports suggesting that AS37642 is directly used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it's important to note that any network can potentially be abused if proper security measures are not in place or if it is compromised by malicious actors. As for the website provided, without active content from the link, I cannot supply current details regarding the reputation of AS37642. Users interested in the security reputation of AS37642 may refer to up-to-date internet security databases or blacklists maintained by organizations like CleanTalk for more information.

WhoIs AS37642


Detected networks prefixes

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