AS3784 Pohang University of Science and Technology

Spam statistics of AS3784 Pohang University of Science and Technology

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
South Korea
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS3784

Owner of AS3784

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS3784 is Postech, which stands for Pohang University of Science and Technology, an educational institution known for its focus on research and development in science and technology.

Main Operational Activity of AS3784's Owner

The main operational activity of Postech, the owner of AS3784, is to provide education and conduct research in various fields of science and technology. They manage their own network services to support the institution's core academic and research functions.

Establishment of AS3784

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact date when AS3784 was established. Autonomous Systems are typically created when an organization requires a dedicated IP address block for managing its internal and external network operations. For educational institutions like Postech, this would have been aligned with the establishment and growth of their IT infrastructure.

Malicious Use of AS3784

According to data from CleanTalk, there doesn't appear to be substantial evidence that AS3784 is frequently used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, as with any network, occasional abuses can occur. It is important for network administrators to monitor traffic and maintain security protocols to mitigate such risks.

For up-to-date details on the reputation of AS3784 and any related security events, it is recommended to refer to trusted cybersecurity databases and resources that track such information. Since we cannot use hyperlinks, please visit the CleanTalk website directly and search for AS3784 for the latest data.

WhoIs AS3784


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1141.223.128.0/18South Korea163845260.00%
2141.223.0.0/18South Korea163845420.00%
3141.223.64.0/18South Korea163844920.00%
4141.223.172.0/22South Korea1024820.00%
5141.223.192.0/18South Korea163843320.00%
6141.223.236.0/22South Korea1024820.00%
7141.223.28.0/22South Korea1024610.00%
8141.223.52.0/22South Korea1024610.00%
9141.223.84.0/22South Korea1024810.00%
10141.223.120.0/22South Korea1024310.00%
11141.223.132.0/22South Korea1024510.00%
12141.223.160.0/22South Korea1024910.00%
13141.223.164.0/22South Korea1024710.00%
14141.223.176.0/22South Korea1024210.00%
15141.223.0.0/22South Korea1024100.00%
16141.223.4.0/22South Korea10241100.00%
17141.223.12.0/22South Korea1024100.00%
18141.223.16.0/22South Korea1024200.00%
19141.223.20.0/22South Korea1024200.00%
20141.223.24.0/22South Korea1024200.00%
21141.223.32.0/22South Korea1024400.00%
22141.223.36.0/22South Korea1024200.00%
23141.223.40.0/22South Korea1024300.00%
24141.223.44.0/22South Korea1024400.00%
25141.223.48.0/22South Korea1024100.00%
26141.223.56.0/22South Korea1024300.00%
27141.223.60.0/22South Korea1024600.00%
28141.223.64.0/22South Korea1024400.00%
29141.223.72.0/22South Korea1024200.00%
30141.223.76.0/22South Korea1024300.00%