AS37908 KIBI Cable Television Co.,Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS37908 KIBI Cable Television Co.,Ltd.

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About AS37908

Owner of AS37908

The autonomous system (AS) number 37908 is owned by Netflix Global, LLC. This company is well-known for its streaming service that offers a variety of films and television series, including those produced in-house.

Main Operational Activity of AS37908's Owner

As the owner of AS37908, Netflix Global, LLC primarily operates as a provider of entertainment content. Their main operational activity revolves around the streaming of a vast library of movies and TV shows to subscribers over the internet. They also focus on the production and distribution of original content under the Netflix brand.

Establishment of AS37908

The specific establishment date of AS37908 is not provided; however, Netflix, as a company, has been expanding its internet presence since its shift towards streaming services in 2007.

Malicious Use of AS37908

There are no specific details regarding AS37908 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent available from public records as of my last update. However, all network operators face challenges related to security and abuse prevention.

To check the current status of AS37908 regarding any potential malicious activities, you can refer to online resources like CleanTalk which provide databases of blacklisted IPs and ASNs. However, it is worth noting that such information should be interpreted cautiously, as it may change over time and can be influenced by various factors including false positives and reporting errors.

CleanTalk Database Details

According to CleanTalk, there are no significant reports or data suggesting that AS37908 is currently involved in any malicious activities. Nonetheless, it is important for organizations and network administrators to continuously monitor their systems for any suspicious behavior to maintain cybersecurity.

WhoIs AS37908


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate