AS38375 GSGH security LLC

Spam statistics of AS38375 GSGH security LLC

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS38375

Owner of AS38375

The autonomous system (AS) number 38375 belongs to Tencent Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Tencent, which is a major player in the internet service industry in China.

Main Operational Activity of AS38375’s Owner

Tencent Cloud Computing provides cloud services such as cloud computing, data storage, and cloud solutions for businesses and individuals. The company is known for its extensive range of internet-based services and products, including social networks, web portals, e-commerce, and multiplayer online games.

Establishment of AS38375

The exact establishment date of AS38375 is not publicly disclosed. Autonomous Systems are typically registered and operationalized when an organization requires a unique IP address prefix to establish routing policies on the internet. Given the nature of Tencent's business expansion and growth in cloud services, it would have been established in alignment with their operational needs.

Malicious Use of AS38375

Like any large network, AS38375 may occasionally be used for malicious activities such as spam or hacking. However, it should be noted that these actions do not necessarily reflect the intentions or practices of the owner of the system. Tencent, as a reputable cloud service provider, likely has measures in place to mitigate and manage such incidents.

According to data from CleanTalk, there might be instances where IP addresses within AS38375 have been flagged for spamming or other malicious activities. However, this information can change frequently, and it is important to refer directly to CleanTalk or similar services for up-to-date details regarding the reputation of AS38375.

WhoIs AS38375


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