AS39171 Gmina Wroclaw

Spam statistics of AS39171 Gmina Wroclaw

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About AS39171

AS39171 Owner

The owner of AS39171 is GWK Gesellschaft Warenhandel + Komponentenvertrieb mbH & Co. KG, a company that operates in the field of telecommunications.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of GWK Gesellschaft Warenhandel + Komponentenvertrieb mbH & Co. KG involves providing various services related to telecommunications, which may include internet connectivity, hosting solutions, and other related services.

Establishment of AS39171

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS39171 is not provided publicly. Autonomous Systems (AS) numbers are typically assigned by regional internet registries, and their establishment dates can vary widely depending on when the organization began its operations and required an AS number for routing purposes.

Malicious Use of AS39171

There is no specific public information indicating that hackers or spammers systematically use AS39171 with malicious intent. However, like any other network, it is possible that isolated incidents occur. Network owners implement various security measures to mitigate such activities.

According to the data from CleanTalk, as of the last update before my knowledge cutoff in 2023, there were no significant reports of spamming or hacking activities originating from AS39171. For the most current status and any abuse reports, checking the latest details on platforms that track such activities, like CleanTalk, is recommended.

WhoIs AS39171


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