AS39742 IT-MARK Ltd

Spam statistics of AS39742 IT-MARK Ltd

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Overview of AS39742

AS39742 Owner

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS39742 is NetStack Ltd., a company known for providing various internet services such as web hosting, VPNs, and dedicated servers.

Main Operational Activity of AS39742's Owner

NetStack Ltd.'s main operational activities revolve around the provision of reliable internet infrastructure services. This includes the management of data networks and the offering of services that support the operation of websites and online applications for their clients.

Establishment of AS39742

The specific establishment date of AS39742 is not publicly disclosed in general ASN information databases. For the most accurate details regarding the inception of AS39742, contacting NetStack Ltd. or looking into regional internet registry records would be necessary.

Malicious Use of AS39742

As with any network, there is potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. According to, a service that monitors IP addresses and ASNs for spam and hacking activity, there may have been instances of abuse originating from AS39742. However, without current data, it is not possible to provide an up-to-date assessment of whether AS39742 has been used with malicious intent recently.

To get the latest information on any potential malicious activities associated with AS39742, please visit the following URL: Note that this link is provided for informational purposes only, and no direct access via clickable hyperlink has been embedded in compliance with the given instructions.

WhoIs AS39742


Detected networks prefixes

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