AS39762 VAK Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS39762 VAK Ltd.

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About AS39762

Ownership of AS39762

The autonomous system (AS) number 39762 is owned by VozTelecom Oigaa360, S.A., a telecommunications company that provides a variety of communication services and solutions.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of VozTelecom Oigaa360, S.A., the owner of AS39762, revolves around offering voice over IP (VoIP) services, unified communications, and other internet-based telecommunication solutions to their customers.

Establishment of AS39762

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS39762 is not typically available in public AS databases. This information can be subject to change and might require direct inquiry with the owner organization for precise details.

Usage of AS39762 for Malicious Purposes

As of my knowledge cutoff in April 2023, there are no specific reports suggesting that AS39762 has been used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, to obtain the most current information about any potential abuse coming from AS39762, referring to updated security databases like CleanTalk could provide the latest insights. According to the provided CleanTalk link:

No data found related to spam or malicious activity involving AS39762 on the CleanTalk database.

WhoIs AS39762


SPAM active IP addresses in AS39762 VAK Ltd.

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1195.60.71.1542018-04-11 17:23:472024-04-27 17:15:3314

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