Spam statistics of AS398052 MECHANICSVILLE

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS398052

Ownership of AS398052

The autonomous system (AS) number 398052 is registered to and owned by HostSlim B.V. This organization operates AS398052 as part of its network infrastructure.

Main Operational Activity of HostSlim B.V.

HostSlim B.V., the owner of AS398052, is primarily engaged in providing various internet services such as web hosting, virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and related data center solutions. Their services cater to a wide range of customers looking for reliable hosting and internet infrastructure.

Establishment of AS398052

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS398052 is not readily available in public AS records. Typically, the creation date of an AS number aligns with the expansion or operational changes within the owning organization's network infrastructure.

Malicious Activities Associated with AS398052

Concerning potential malicious activities such as hacking or spamming originating from AS398052, it is important to refer to up-to-date security databases and blacklists. According to, a website that provides information on IP addresses and AS numbers involved in spam or other malicious activities, as of the knowledge cutoff date, there may not be significant reports of such incidents directly associated with AS398052. However, this does not entirely rule out the possibility of isolated cases or incidents that might not have been reported or detected yet.

It is essential for network administrators and users to remain vigilant and employ necessary security measures to protect against any potential abuse coming from any autonomous system, including AS398052. Regular monitoring and adherence to best cybersecurity practices can help mitigate such risks.

WhoIs AS398052


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States512910.00% States10242500.00%
338.158.64.0/24United States256500.00%
438.158.68.0/24United States256800.00%
538.158.68.0/22United States10242500.00%
638.158.72.0/24United States256500.00%
738.158.72.0/22United States10243000.00%
838.158.76.0/24United States2561000.00%
938.158.76.0/22United States10242000.00%
1064.112.20.0/22United States1024200.00%
1164.112.20.0/23United States512200.00%
12142.202.100.0/22United States1024400.00%
13142.202.100.0/23United States512200.00%
14207.177.36.0/24United States2561700.00%
15208.126.170.0/23United States5122400.00%

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