AS398451 RHIT

Spam statistics of AS398451 RHIT

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS398451

Ownership and Main Operational Activity

AS398451 is an autonomous system number (ASN) that is registered to a company called GitHub, Inc. GitHub is widely known for its hosting of software development and version control using Git. The platform allows developers to collaborate on projects, manage code changes, and store their code repositories online.

Establishment Date

The exact establishment date of AS398451 is not publicly disclosed in common ASN registries. However, GitHub itself was founded in April 2008, and it has been continuously expanding its operations and infrastructure since then.

Reputation and Use

Regarding the reputation of AS398451, there is no direct evidence suggesting widespread malicious use such as hacking or spamming activities associated with this ASN. If any abuse were to occur, it would likely be due to individual user actions rather than a systemic issue within GitHub's network. As GitHub hosts a large number of user-generated content, it implements various measures to prevent and mitigate such abuses.

Details from CleanTalk

According to the data provided by, there doesn't seem to be significant reports of malicious activities like hacking or spamming originating from AS398451. This indicates that GitHub maintains a relatively clean network, adhering to good security practices and taking action against abuse. It's important to note that real-time data may vary, so continuous monitoring is essential for an up-to-date assessment.

WhoIs AS398451


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1137.112.0.0/16United States6553618490.00%
2137.112.152.0/22United States10241130.00%
3137.112.4.0/22United States1024110.00%
4137.112.128.0/22United States1024310.00%
5137.112.200.0/22United States1024910.00%
6137.112.224.0/22United States10241610.00%
7137.112.228.0/22United States1024210.00%
8137.112.240.0/22United States1024110.00%
9137.112.0.0/22United States1024200.00%
10137.112.12.0/22United States1024100.00%
11137.112.16.0/22United States1024200.00%
12137.112.24.0/22United States1024100.00%
13137.112.32.0/22United States1024200.00%
14137.112.36.0/22United States1024200.00%
15137.112.40.0/22United States1024600.00%
16137.112.44.0/22United States10241500.00%
17137.112.48.0/22United States1024400.00%
18137.112.52.0/22United States1024400.00%
19137.112.56.0/22United States1024200.00%
20137.112.60.0/22United States1024500.00%
21137.112.92.0/22United States1024100.00%
22137.112.132.0/22United States1024200.00%
23137.112.136.0/22United States1024100.00%
24137.112.140.0/22United States1024100.00%
25137.112.148.0/22United States1024200.00%
26137.112.168.0/22United States1024300.00%
27137.112.176.0/22United States1024200.00%
28137.112.196.0/22United States1024900.00%
29137.112.204.0/22United States10241000.00%
30137.112.208.0/22United States10241200.00%

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