AS399084 HRZN-BDA-01

Spam statistics of AS399084 HRZN-BDA-01

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS399084

Owner of AS399084

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS399084 is not specified in the available public records. ASN ownership details are typically listed in databases like those maintained by regional internet registries, but without specific data, the owner's identity cannot be confirmed.

Main Operational Activity of AS399084

Without specific information on the owner of AS399084, it is challenging to determine the exact operational activities associated with this autonomous system. Autonomous Systems are generally used by organizations to manage their routing policies and internet connectivity, which can range from internet service provision to hosting services or private network operations for large enterprises.

Establishment of AS399084

The establishment date of AS399084 is not readily available in the public domain. These details are often recorded in the databases of regional internet registries at the time of the ASN allocation, but they may not be easily accessible without further context or direct inquiry.

Malicious Use of AS399084

As per the information available on, there is no explicit mention of AS399084 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. It is important for network administrators and cybersecurity professionals to monitor traffic and maintain security measures to prevent any potential abuse of network resources, regardless of whether an ASN has been flagged for suspicious activity or not.

Additional Details Regarding AS399084

For more comprehensive and updated details regarding the use of AS399084, checking with trusted cybersecurity databases and resources is recommended. These platforms can provide insights into traffic patterns, reported incidents, and overall reputation of the ASN, which can help in assessing its safety and legitimacy.

WhoIs AS399084


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