AS40021 NL-811-40021

Spam statistics of AS40021 NL-811-40021

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States7420 514Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-3 6702998.15%
Websites countIP addresses with websites
73 02615 827

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS40021

Ownership and Main Operational Activity

The autonomous system (AS) number AS40021 is registered to a company known as Contabo Inc. Contabo Inc. is a hosting service provider that specializes in offering virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and colocation services. The company has established itself as a significant player in the web hosting industry, focusing on providing affordable yet powerful hosting solutions to its customers.


While the exact date of establishment for AS40021 is not publicly disclosed, it can be inferred that it would have been operational since the inception or expansion of Contabo’s services in North America, which is where AS40021 is registered.

Malicious Use of AS40021

Concerns regarding the use of AS40021 by hackers or spammers are valid considering any hosting service can potentially be exploited for malicious activities. According to data from CleanTalk, a platform that provides security services against spam and hacking attempts, there could be incidents where IP addresses within the range of AS40021 may have been used with malicious intent. However, this information should be interpreted with caution as it may not reflect the majority of traffic passing through the autonomous system. Hosting providers like Contabo often implement measures to mitigate abuse of their services, but complete prevention of such incidents is challenging across the industry.

CleanTalk Data on AS40021

As per the latest available data from CleanTalk, there might be instances of abuse detected originating from AS40021. This does not necessarily indicate that the network owner condones such behavior, rather that they may have customers who are acting against the terms of service. Responsible hosting providers actively monitor for such activity and take appropriate action when misuse is detected. For real-time and specific details about any potential blacklisting or abuse reports concerning AS40021, direct reference to CleanTalk's website or similar services that track such information would be required.

WhoIs AS40021


SPAM active IP addresses in AS40021 NL-811-40021

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 09:27:272024-07-26 17:00:4713 12:46:082024-07-27 04:05:334
366.94.110.2202023-09-20 06:01:012024-07-24 17:50:363
466.94.113.502023-06-24 08:55:412024-07-16 06:00:405
566.94.126.1142024-07-13 17:05:342024-07-14 13:05:3725
689.117.20.2552024-06-11 20:45:372024-07-20 00:32:364
789.117.74.982023-06-06 05:15:502024-07-24 04:35:2821
892.118.56.1262024-05-12 17:00:402024-07-27 04:00:4380
9144.126.140.172022-07-01 10:47:252024-07-22 09:45:3991
10207.244.229.1832021-03-11 21:01:032024-07-17 23:30:41212
11207.244.244.1282022-01-31 00:54:452024-07-27 04:15:4289
12207.244.250.202020-07-06 05:30:462024-07-25 17:30:4363

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1185.111.156.0/22United States102426712512.00%
2144.126.128.0/19United States81921366961.00%
3207.244.240.0/20United States40961416942.00%
466.94.96.0/19United States81921125701.00%
5207.244.224.0/20United States40961171682.00%
645.137.192.0/22United States1024210677.00%
7209.126.0.0/18United States163842400660.00%
8209.126.0.0/20United States40961189611.00%
9209.145.48.0/20United States4096941591.00%
10144.126.128.0/20United States4096765581.00%
11209.126.80.0/21United States2048479352.00%
12207.244.252.0/22United States1024377273.00%
13207.244.240.0/22United States1024339263.00%
14207.244.248.0/22United States1024354232.00%
16207.244.224.0/22United States1024297222.00%
17154.53.40.0/22United States1024183212.00%
18207.244.232.0/22United States1024289212.00%
19144.126.136.0/22United States1024197202.00%
2066.94.120.0/21United States2048296181.00%
2182.197.64.0/19United States8192847180.00%
22207.244.244.0/22United States1024346182.00%
23154.53.44.0/22United States1024208172.00%
24154.53.56.0/22United States1024166172.00%
2566.94.96.0/21United States2048267161.00%
26144.126.140.0/22United States1024184151.00%
27207.244.228.0/22United States1024326141.00%
28144.126.132.0/22United States1024193131.00%
29144.126.156.0/22United States1024204131.00%
30154.12.236.0/22United States1024132131.00%