CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS40252

Owner of AS40252

The autonomous system (AS) number 40252 is owned by H5 Data Centers - Denver, which is a company specializing in secure data center services and operations.

Main Operational Activity of AS40252's Owner

H5 Data Centers operates as a provider for data center solutions, offering services such as colocation, interconnection, and cloud services. Their main operational activities include managing IT infrastructure, ensuring high levels of security, power availability, and cooling systems for their clients' hardware and data storage.

Establishment of AS40252

There are no specific public records readily available indicating the exact date when AS40252 was established. Autonomous Systems are generally created when an organization receives its own block of IP addresses and this can occur at different times depending on when the organization's network grows to a scale needing an AS.

Malicious Use of AS40252

As with any large network, there is potential for abuse. However, based on information from CleanTalk, a trusted database that monitors spam and hacking activity, there doesn't seem to be significant evidence suggesting that AS40252 is widely used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. According to CleanTalk's data, there have been no substantial reports of such activities associated with AS40252, which implies that H5 Data Centers maintains good practices to prevent misuse of their resources.

To check the latest details regarding the reputation of AS40252 or any reports of abuse, one should refer directly to real-time databases or security platforms like CleanTalk as these sources continuously update their information.

WhoIs AS40252


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1208.71.72.0/24United States256500.00%
2208.71.74.0/24United States2563600.00%
3208.71.75.0/24United States2562500.00%
4208.71.76.0/24United States256700.00%
5208.71.77.0/24United States2562000.00%
6208.71.78.0/24United States2562700.00%
7208.71.79.0/24United States2562400.00%

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