AS40545 EMPIRE-40545

Spam statistics of AS40545 EMPIRE-40545

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
-2 9581274.29%
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS40545

Ownership of AS40545

The autonomous system (AS) number 40545 is owned by ICON Health & Fitness Inc, which is a company that specializes in the development, manufacturing, and marketing of fitness equipment.

Main Operational Activity of ICON Health & Fitness Inc

ICON Health & Fitness Inc operates primarily in the fitness industry, providing a wide range of products including treadmills, elliptical trainers, stationary bikes, home gyms, weight benches, yoga and Pilates equipment. They are known for their innovative technology and quality products that cater to both home and commercial fitness markets.

Establishment of AS40545

The exact establishment date of AS40545 is not publicly listed. Generally, autonomous systems are established when an organization requires a dedicated internet routing policy and public IP addresses.

Malicious Use of AS40545

As with many autonomous systems, there may be incidents where parts of the network are used for malicious activities such as hacking or spamming. According to data from CleanTalk, a service that monitors and reports on spam and other malicious activities, there could be instances of abuse within AS40545. However, it's important to note that this does not necessarily reflect the intentions or actions of the owner of the autonomous system, but rather the misuse by individual actors who may have access to resources within the AS.

For real-time details and statistics on any reported abuse coming from AS40545, you would typically refer to external resources like CleanTalk's blacklist monitoring, but since I cannot use hyperlinks in this response, I would advise manually searching for "AS40545 CleanTalk" in your preferred search engine to find the latest information.

WhoIs AS40545


SPAM active IP addresses in AS40545 EMPIRE-40545

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 18:36:382024-07-22 00:30:366

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate States4096237261.00% States8192375260.00%
338.27.128.0/20United States4096229200.00%
438.21.168.0/22United States102491131.00%
538.21.208.0/20United States4096276110.00%
638.21.220.0/23United States51251102.00%
738.21.160.0/22United States10246391.00%
838.77.40.0/21United States204813690.00%
938.21.40.0/22United States10249481.00%
1038.21.40.0/21United States204816680.00%
1138.77.8.0/21United States204811580.00%
1238.145.160.0/22United States10246271.00%
1338.39.232.0/22United States10246461.00%
1438.27.128.0/21United States204812750.00%
1538.77.44.0/22United States10247950.00%
1638.145.168.0/22United States10247250.00%
1738.27.128.0/22United States10246740.00%
1838.77.40.0/22United States10245740.00%
1938.145.164.0/22United States10242340.00%
2038.145.184.0/22United States10247240.00%
2172.18.48.0/20United States409620040.00%
2238.39.232.0/24United States2562231.00%
2338.77.56.0/22United States10248530.00%
2438.21.164.0/22United States10244120.00%
2538.21.172.0/22United States10244220.00%
2638.39.228.0/22United States10245020.00%
2738.39.240.0/22United States10245320.00%
2838.77.15.0/24United States256721.00%
2938.145.160.0/23United States5123420.00%
3038.145.164.0/23United States5122120.00%

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