AS40983 PE First Telecommunication Company

Spam statistics of AS40983 PE First Telecommunication Company

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About AS40983

Owner of AS40983

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 40983 is not disclosed in the public AS registry databases. It is common for the specific ownership details of an AS to be kept private or only available to network peers and partners.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS40983's owner is also not publicly detailed. Typically, an AS is involved in routing internet traffic for one or more entities, which could include Internet Service Providers (ISPs), large organizations with significant internet infrastructure, or data center operations.

Establishment of AS40983

The exact establishment date of AS40983 is not publicly available information. Generally, such dates are not prominently recorded in public registries, but this information might be available through historical records or the issuing Regional Internet Registry (RIR) upon request.

Malicious Use of AS40983

As for the use of AS40983 by hackers or spammers, the website CleanTalk provides a blacklist service that monitors various AS for signs of malicious activity. According to their records, there may have been instances where AS40983 was flagged for potential abuse. However, without direct access to, I cannot provide current details on whether AS40983 has been implicated in such activities.

Please note that being listed on a blacklist does not necessarily mean that the entire AS is malicious. It could also indicate that a small subset of users within the AS has been involved in spamming or hacking activities. Network administrators typically take action to address such issues when they are identified.

WhoIs AS40983


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