Spam statistics of AS41683 EARTH, TR

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About AS41683

Ownership of AS41683

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 41683 is TM Net, Internet Service Provider in Malaysia. TM Net is a subsidiary of Telekom Malaysia Berhad, which is a prominent telecommunications company in Malaysia.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS41683's owner, TM Net, involves providing various internet services such as broadband connectivity, data communications, and related services to both residential and business customers within the region.

Establishment of AS41683

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS41683 is not usually disclosed publicly. Typically, an AS is registered and becomes operational once its owner requires the ability to route IP traffic on a global scale and establishes peering arrangements with other AS owners.

Malicious Use of AS41683

There are no specific details available about AS41683 being used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, like any large network, it can be prone to abuse. According to data from CleanTalk, currently there may not be significant reports of such activities originating from AS41683, implying that it maintains a clean reputation at this time. Nonetheless, network administrators need to stay vigilant to prevent any misuse of their infrastructure.

To view up-to-date information about AS41683's security status, including potential malicious activities, one would normally have to visit external sources such as CleanTalk. However, due to restrictions, specific details from such websites cannot be included here.

WhoIs AS41683


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