AS41898 SIA Datu Tehnologiju Grupa

Spam statistics of AS41898 SIA Datu Tehnologiju Grupa

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Overview of AS41898

Autonomous System 41898 (AS41898) is a unique identifier attributed to an autonomous system which allows for routing decisions at a global level. Autonomous systems are critical components of the Internet's infrastructure, enabling efficient data routing and exchange.

Owner of AS41898

The owner of AS41898 is "NCNET-AS," also known as Netcen Technology Co., Ltd. This entity is responsible for managing the policies and rules under which traffic passes through their network.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of Netcen Technology Co., Ltd involves providing internet services. They may offer a range of services from broadband connectivity to hosting solutions, ensuring that their customers have reliable access to the internet.

Establishment of AS41898

There isn't publicly available information specifying the exact date when AS41898 was established. However, such information can typically be found through regional internet registries or historical records of IP address allocations.

Malicious Use of AS41898

Like any large network, AS41898 could potentially be misused by hackers or spammers. According to CleanTalk, a service that provides data on blacklisted IPs and ASNs, there might be instances where parts of the network under AS41898 have been flagged for malicious activities. As per the details from CleanTalk, it's important for network administrators to monitor traffic and maintain strong security protocols to prevent and mitigate such misuse.

Current Security Status

For up-to-date information on whether AS41898 has been associated with malicious intent, such as hacking or spamming activities, you should refer to real-time blacklisting services or cybersecurity databases. These resources track reported incidents and can provide insights into the current reputation of the network.

WhoIs AS41898


SPAM active IP addresses in AS41898 SIA Datu Tehnologiju Grupa

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam 15:09:212024-12-19 14:10:4758

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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