AS42611 Zzoomm plc

Spam statistics of AS42611 Zzoomm plc

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United Kingdom
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS42611

Ownership of AS42611

The Autonomous System (AS) number 42611 is owned by Data Club S.A. This company specializes in providing various internet services.

Main Operational Activity

Data Club S.A., as the owner of AS42611, primarily engages in activities such as web hosting, dedicated hosting, and other internet-related services. They focus on delivering reliable connectivity and hosting solutions to their customers.

Establishment of AS42611

The specific establishment date of AS42611 is not publicly disclosed in general AS information repositories. Usually, the creation date of an AS number can be found in regional internet registry databases or through historical BGP data analysis.

Malicious Use of AS42611

Concerning the potential use of AS42611 for malicious intent such as hacking or spamming, there is no explicit evidence provided on public blacklisting services like CleanTalk. Nevertheless, it's important to note that any network can potentially be exploited for malicious purposes without the direct knowledge of its owner, depending on the security measures in place and the vigilance of the network administrators.

For real-time details and any records of abuse, a search on platforms that track such activities, like CleanTalk's blacklist check for AS42611, might yield current data. As per CleanTalk's website, they might have records or reports if there has been recent suspicious activity associated with this AS.

WhoIs AS42611


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1149.50.0.0/15United Kingdom1310725713750.00%
2149.71.128.0/19United States8192130200.00%
3149.71.128.0/20United Kingdom40966370.00%
4149.71.144.0/22United States10241961.00%
5149.71.136.0/22United States10241540.00%
6149.71.148.0/22United States10242030.00%
7149.71.156.0/22United States10242130.00%
8149.50.0.0/19United Kingdom819256020.00%
9149.71.132.0/22United States10242220.00%
10149.50.20.0/22United Kingdom10246910.00%
11149.50.24.0/22United Kingdom102413410.00%
12149.71.140.0/22United States10241310.00%
13149.71.152.0/22United States1024710.00%
14149.102.160.0/22United Kingdom102413710.00%
1584.18.224.0/19United Kingdom819234800.00%
16149.50.0.0/22United Kingdom10247400.00%
17149.50.4.0/22United Kingdom10246100.00%
18149.50.8.0/22United Kingdom10244800.00%
19149.50.12.0/22United Kingdom10246400.00%
20149.50.16.0/22United Kingdom10245400.00%
21149.50.28.0/22United Kingdom10245600.00%
22149.71.128.0/22United States10241300.00%
23149.102.32.0/22United Kingdom102410500.00%
24149.102.36.0/22United Kingdom102411900.00%
25149.102.40.0/22United Kingdom102410200.00%
26149.102.44.0/22United Kingdom102413100.00%
27149.102.48.0/21United Kingdom204823000.00%
28149.102.50.0/24United Kingdom2562400.00%
29149.102.51.0/24United Kingdom2562900.00%
30149.102.52.0/24United Kingdom2562500.00%

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