AS43023 iGP Tech d.o.o.

Spam statistics of AS43023 iGP Tech d.o.o.

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS43023

Owner of AS43023

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS43023 is not provided in the standard public databases. The ownership details of many autonomous systems may remain private or only be known within certain professional or industry-specific circles.

Main Operational Activity of AS43023's Owner

The main operational activity of AS43023's owner concerns providing internet services that include routing and connectivity to its customers. This could encompass a range of activities from hosting services to offering broadband access, depending on the nature of the organization that owns the ASN.

Establishment of AS43023

Information regarding when AS43023 was established is not readily available in public records. ASNs are generally assigned by regional internet registries (RIRs), which maintain records of allocations, but these records do not always include establishment dates.

Malicious Use of AS43023

According to data from CleanTalk, it appears that there have been instances where AS43023 has been used for malicious purposes. Hackers and spammers can exploit any network, and AS43023 is no exception. CleanTalk provides a blacklist service and has recorded instances of abuse originating from this ASN.

Details from CleanTalk

CleanTalk's database indicates that there have been reports of spamming or other abusive behavior from AS43023. It is important for network administrators to monitor traffic and address any malicious activities promptly to maintain the integrity and security of their networks. The specific details of reported incidents can help in taking appropriate measures to prevent future occurrences and ensure that the network remains reputable and trusted by users and peers.

WhoIs AS43023


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