AS43153 Sferanet S.A.

Spam statistics of AS43153 Sferanet S.A.

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About AS43153

Ownership of AS43153

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS43153 is currently undisclosed in this context. ASN information is typically available through various online registries that maintain records of different ASNs and their respective organizations.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of the owner of AS43153 involves the administration and management of their network infrastructure. This could encompass a range of duties, including but not limited to, ensuring network security, handling IP address allocation, managing routing policies, and providing internet connectivity to customers if it's an ISP.

Establishment of AS43153

The specific establishment date of AS43153 is not readily available in public records. The creation date of an AS can usually be found in the regional internet registry (RIR) database where the ASN is registered or through network information centers that provide data about internet resources.

Potential Malicious Use

Regarding allegations of hacking or spamming activities associated with AS43153, CleanTalk provides a database that tracks potential security threats emanating from different ASNs. While some ASs may occasionally have incidents of malicious use due to compromised systems within their networks, it is essential to investigate and verify such claims individually to determine the accuracy and current relevance.

As of the last check, there are no explicit details provided by CleanTalk regarding the abuse or misuse of AS43153 for hacking or spamming purposes. It is important to note that the absence of reported incidents on CleanTalk does not necessarily imply that an ASN is free from malicious activities, as new threats can emerge at any time. Continuous monitoring and proper security measures are crucial for maintaining network integrity.

To ensure the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding AS43153 and its potential involvement in malicious activities, direct consultation with updated security databases or contacting the appropriate network administrators is recommended.

WhoIs AS43153


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