Spam statistics of AS47663 DUNAV, RS

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AS47663 Overview

Ownership of AS47663

The Autonomous System (AS) number 47663 is owned and operated by Netbox Ltd. This company is responsible for all operations and services associated with this particular AS.

Main Operational Activity

Netbox Ltd, the owner of AS47663, primarily engages in providing internet-related services which could include broadband access, hosting services, and other internet service provider (ISP) activities. Their main operational focus is to ensure stable and reliable internet connectivity to their customers.

Establishment of AS47663

There is no specific public record detailing the exact establishment date of AS47663 within widely available databases. However, autonomous systems like AS47663 are typically registered and become operational when an organization has sufficient network infrastructure and meets the criteria set by regional internet registries.

Potential Malicious Use of AS47663

As with any autonomous system, there is a possibility that it can be used for malicious purposes by hackers or spammers. According to data provided by CleanTalk, there have been instances where AS47663 was reportedly associated with spam or hacking activities. Details on these incidents, including the nature and frequency of the reported abuse, can provide insights into whether these were isolated cases or if they reflect a broader issue with the security measures implemented by the AS owner.

It is important for operators of autonomous systems like Netbox Ltd to actively monitor and address such concerns to maintain the integrity of their network services and protect their users.

WhoIs AS47663


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