AS4777 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre

Spam statistics of AS4777 Asia Pacific Network Information Centre

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About AS4777

Owner of AS4777

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) 4777 is Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), which is the regional Internet address registry for the Asia-Pacific region.

Main Operational Activity of APNIC

APNIC's main operational activity includes managing and allocating Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and Autonomous System Numbers within the Asia-Pacific region. They support the operation of the Internet through services like educational programs, technical advice, and supporting Internet infrastructure development.

Establishment of AS4777

Since AS4777 belongs to APNIC, it was established with the founding of APNIC. However, precise establishment dates of specific ASNs are not typically public information.

Malicious Use of AS4777

There have been instances where ASNs, including AS4777, may have been used for malicious purposes such as hacking or spamming. It is essential for network operators to monitor their networks and take action against such activities.

According to data provided by CleanTalk, a database that monitors and records blacklisted IPs and ASNs, AS4777 has had incidents reported. For current and detailed information about any malicious activities associated with AS4777, please refer to the CleanTalk website directly, as this information is subject to change over time.

WhoIs AS4777


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