AS4841 Level 5, 100 Harris St

Spam statistics of AS4841 Level 5, 100 Harris St

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Overview of AS4841

Owner of AS4841

The autonomous system (AS) number 4841 is owned by China Networks Inter-Exchange, also known as CNLink Network Technology.

Main Operational Activity of AS4841's Owner

CNLink Network Technology primarily focuses on providing various internet services. These include broadband connectivity, data communication services, and other internet-based services to its customers. The company operates mainly within the region of China and caters to both individual and corporate clients.

Establishment of AS4841

The exact establishment date of AS4841 is not publicly disclosed in common internet registries or databases. Typically, the creation date of an autonomous system is not a piece of information that is widely shared or tracked outside of internal records or specific network industry groups.

Malicious Use of AS4841

Like many autonomous systems, AS4841 may occasionally be associated with malicious activities such as hacking or spamming. However, these incidents can often be a result of compromised systems within the network rather than direct actions by the owner of the AS. According to, a platform that tracks and reports spamming activity related to various ASNs, there might be instances where AS4841 has been reported for such activities. For up-to-date details on any reported issues, it is recommended to visit their website directly.

Current Status on

As of the last check, there might be entries on concerning AS4841. To get the latest information regarding the reputation of AS4841, one should refer to the CleanTalk database, which provides insights into whether the network has been involved in sending out spam or has been used for other malicious intents.

WhoIs AS4841


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