AS4844 SuperInternet ACCESS Pte Ltd

Spam statistics of AS4844 SuperInternet ACCESS Pte Ltd

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS4844

Owner of AS4844

The autonomous system (AS) number 4844 is owned by SuperInternet ACCESS Pte Ltd.

Main Operational Activity of AS4844's Owner

SuperInternet ACCESS Pte Ltd primarily operates as an Internet service provider. Their main activities include providing broadband and internet services, which may range from residential broadband to commercial-grade internet solutions.

Establishment of AS4844

There is no specific public information available about the exact establishment date of AS4844 within this context. Typically, the establishment of an AS is linked to the operational start date of the owning entity or when they started their network operations.

Malicious Use of AS4844

As with many AS numbers, there can be instances where parts of the network are used for malicious intent, such as spamming or hacking. However, it's important to assess such activities on a case-by-case basis, considering evidence and the broader context.

Regarding the details from the provided source, I must apologize as I currently cannot access external URLs like "" to provide specific details about the use of AS4844 for spam or malicious activities. It would be best to check the most recent data directly on CleanTalk's website or other reliable cybersecurity databases to determine if there have been reports of such misuse associated with AS4844.

WhoIs AS4844


Detected networks prefixes

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