AS4870 Electronic Healthcare Systems, Inc.

Spam statistics of AS4870 Electronic Healthcare Systems, Inc.

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United States
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- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS4870

Autonomous System Number (ASN) 4870, commonly referred to as AS4870, is owned by Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd. This company specializes in providing security solutions and services that include digital authentication services, managed security services, and security consulting. Their main operational activity revolves around ensuring the cybersecurity for their clients by offering robust protection against threats and vulnerabilities.

Establishment and Purpose of AS4870

AS4870 was established to support Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd's infrastructure needs. The ASN allows for proper routing of internet traffic to and from the organization's networks, which is essential for maintaining reliable and secure communication channels for its digital security services.

Malicious Use of AS4870

As with any large Autonomous System, there is a potential for misuse such as hacking or spamming activities. However, as a security-focused entity, Cybertrust Japan Co., Ltd actively works to prevent such incidents and maintain the integrity of their networks. As of the latest information available, there are no specific reports indicating that AS4870 has been frequently used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent according to CleanTalk's blacklist database. It is important to note that this status could evolve, and continuous monitoring by both the owner and the community is vital to detect and address any such unauthorized activities.

WhoIs AS4870


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