AS49498 S&T Hrvatska d.o.o.

Spam statistics of AS49498 S&T Hrvatska d.o.o.

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS49498

Ownership of AS49498

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS49498 is Svyaz-Energo Ltd. This company operates within the telecommunications sector, focusing on providing various communication services.

Main Operational Activity of AS49498's Owner

Svyaz-Energo Ltd., as a telecom service provider, primarily engages in activities related to the maintenance and provision of telecommunication services which may include voice, data, Internet access, and other forms of electronic communications.

Establishment of AS49498

The exact date of establishment for AS49498 is not typically public information. ASN records usually do not include establishment dates; they focus more on operational status, routing policies, and peering relationships.

Malicious Use of AS49498

Regarding the potential malicious use of AS49498, like any network, it could potentially be used by hackers or spammers. However, specific details about such activities would need to be sourced from cybersecurity databases and reports that track this kind of behavior.

Details from

As of the current knowledge cutoff, detailed information about the reputation of AS49498 from, including whether it has been associated with spam or hacking activities, cannot be provided without accessing the website directly. CleanTalk is a service that provides a database of IP addresses and ASNs known for sending spam or engaging in malicious activities, but real-time checking is required for up-to-date information.

WhoIs AS49498


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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