AS50977 Avatel Telecom, SA

Spam statistics of AS50977 Avatel Telecom, SA

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Overview of AS50977

Ownership and Operational Activity

The autonomous system AS50977 is owned by E-Light-Telecom Ltd. The company's main operational activity revolves around providing telecommunications services, specifically focusing on internet connectivity and related solutions.

Establishment Date

The establishment date for AS50977 is not publicly disclosed in general Autonomous System databases or registries. This information may be proprietary or may require direct inquiry with the owner organization for accurate details.

Security Concerns and Malicious Use

Concerning the security aspects and potential malicious use of AS50977, like any other autonomous system, it could potentially be exploited by hackers or spammers. However, according to CleanTalk's database at, there are no explicit records indicating that AS50977 is currently known for being used with malicious intent. It's important to note that this status can change, and the autonomous system may need continuous monitoring to ensure it remains free from association with harmful online activities.

WhoIs AS50977


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