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AS5112: An Overview

Owner of AS5112

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS5112 is AT&T Global Network Services, LLC. AT&T is a multinational conglomerate holding company that is recognized as one of the world's largest telecommunications companies.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AT&T Global Network Services, LLC involves providing a wide range of networking solutions which include internet services, managed network services, and virtual private networking (VPN). As a global service provider, their operations encompass both business and consumer sectors.

Establishment of AS5112

The establishment date for AS5112 is not typically public information, but it can be inferred that it has been in operation for several years, given the longstanding presence of AT&T in the telecommunications industry.

Malicious Use of AS5112

Like any large network service provider, AS5112 may occasionally be misused by hackers or spammers. However, AT&T employs various security measures to prevent such activities. According to data from CleanTalk, there is no significant evidence suggesting that AS5112 is predominantly used for malicious intent. The presence of isolated incidents might occur as it does with most large networks, but these are typically addressed promptly by the network administrators.

To provide up-to-date details on the potential misuse of AS5112, please refer to trusted sources that monitor blacklists and security reports, since direct URLs cannot be provided in this response.

WhoIs AS5112


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