AS52757 Sorriso Internet Ltda.

Spam statistics of AS52757 Sorriso Internet Ltda.

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About AS52757

AS52757 Owner

The owner of AS52757 is TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LTDA. This company operates within the information technology sector, providing various services related to networking and internet solutions.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of TECHNOLOGY SERVICES LTDA includes offering internet access and associated services to its customers. They manage data transmission, hosting, and related activities that cater to a range of users, from individuals to businesses.

Establishment of AS52757

The exact date when AS52757 was established is not publicly disclosed in general AS information repositories. For detailed historical data, one would typically need to access specialized databases or contact the organization directly for their operational history.

Malicious Use of AS52757

As regards to malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities, information available on CleanTalk's blacklist database indicates that there has been no significant evidence of such activities originating from AS52757. It is important for network administrators to continually monitor traffic and maintain security protocols to prevent any potential abuse of their systems.

Note: The absence of reports on CleanTalk does not necessarily mean that there have never been incidents; it only reflects the data available at the time of inquiry.

WhoIs AS52757


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