Spam statistics of AS52814 INTERNET PLAY LTDA

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About AS52814

Owner of AS52814

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) AS52814 is Centro de Tecnologia Armazem Datacenter Ltda.

Main Operational Activity

AS52814's owner, Centro de Tecnologia Armazem Datacenter Ltda, operates primarily in the field of data center technology and services. They provide infrastructure for hosting, connectivity, cloud computing, and related IT services.

Establishment of AS52814

The establishment date of AS52814 is not readily available from public records. Typically, this information can be found through regional internet registries or historical data on AS registration, but specific dates of establishment are not always publicly disclosed.

Malicious Use of AS52814

As with any autonomous system, there is a potential for misuse by hackers or spammers. However, as of the last check, there are no explicit reports suggesting that AS52814 has been used with malicious intent. According to data from CleanTalk, there are currently no records of abusive behavior originating from AS52814. It is important for the operators of any autonomous system to monitor and mitigate potential abuses to maintain the integrity and security of their services.

Please note that the status of an AS regarding malicious activities can change over time, and it is essential to consult up-to-date resources to get the current status. Regular monitoring and proactive security measures are crucial in preventing and addressing such issues.

WhoIs AS52814


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