Spam statistics of AS53703 KWIKOM

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
United States113Hosting
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS53703

Ownership of AS53703

AS53703 is registered to King Star Computer, a company that provides various IT solutions and services.

Main Operational Activity

The primary function of King Star Computer is to offer technology-related products and services. This can range from computer hardware sales to comprehensive IT support and infrastructure management.

Establishment of AS53703

The exact establishment date of AS53703 is not publicly provided information. Usually, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are allocated based on the operational needs of organizations and could be established at various times depending on their growth and expansion into internet-related services.

Malicious Use of AS53703

Like many autonomous systems, AS53703 could potentially be used for malicious activities such as hacking or spamming. According to, a website that monitors IP addresses and ASNs for such behavior, there might be records or reports indicating that AS53703 has been used for spamming or other malicious intent. It is important for network administrators to monitor traffic and enforce strict security measures to prevent such abuses.

Please note that details about specific incidents or current status should be referred to up-to-date sources or direct inquiries to the owner organization, as this information is subject to change and may have evolved since my knowledge cutoff date.

WhoIs AS53703


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1199.119.144.0/21United States204884131.00%
2199.119.151.0/24United States2561152.00%
3199.83.58.0/23United States5122941.00%
4199.83.59.0/24United States2561631.00%
5199.119.147.0/24United States2561421.00%
664.39.192.0/19United States819221410.00%
764.254.32.0/19United States81923810.00%
8199.83.56.0/24United States2562610.00%
9199.83.56.0/23United States5124310.00%
10199.119.150.0/24United States2561210.00%
1164.39.193.0/24United States2561100.00%
1264.39.195.0/24United States2561000.00%
1364.39.210.0/24United States256100.00%
1464.39.211.0/24United States256300.00%
1564.39.212.0/24United States256100.00%
1664.39.213.0/24United States256200.00%
1764.39.214.0/24United States256400.00%
1864.39.215.0/24United States256100.00%
1964.39.216.0/22United States1024100.00%
2064.254.32.0/24United States2561300.00%
2164.254.52.0/24United States256300.00%
2264.254.53.0/24United States256400.00%
2364.254.54.0/24United States256100.00%
2464.254.57.0/24United States256100.00%
2572.2.179.0/24United States256400.00%
26199.68.220.0/22United States10241800.00%
27199.83.57.0/24United States2561700.00%
28199.119.149.0/24United States2561000.00%
29208.92.168.0/22United States1024900.00%
30208.92.168.0/21United States20481400.00%

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