AS55322 North Power Company

Spam statistics of AS55322 North Power Company

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS55322

Owner of AS55322

The owner of Autonomous System Number (AS) 55322 is Gia Nguyen Telecom Joint Stock Company.

Main Operational Activity

Gia Nguyen Telecom JSC is primarily involved in telecommunications services. They provide a range of internet-related services, which may include internet service provisioning, web hosting, and related infrastructural support.

Establishment of AS55322

There is no specific public record readily available detailing the exact establishment date of AS55322. Usually, details such as establishment dates are not commonly disclosed for AS numbers; they are often known internally by the organization or can be found through detailed registry or historical records.

Malicious Use of AS55322

According to the database provided by CleanTalk, there have been instances of malicious activities originating from AS55322. Here are some details:

  • AS55322 has been reported to have spam activity.

  • It has entries in the CleanTalk database indicating that it might have been used for sending unsolicited emails.

  • The level of trust associated with this AS might be influenced due to such activities.

It is important to note that while an AS number can be reported for spam or other malicious activities, this does not necessarily mean the owner condones or is directly involved in such actions. Compromised systems within their network could be responsible for such incidents.

WhoIs AS55322


Detected networks prefixes

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