AS55808 Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited

Spam statistics of AS55808 Triple T Broadband Public Company Limited

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS55808

Ownership of AS55808

AS55808, also known as Autonomous System 55808, is owned by CtrlS Datacenters Ltd. CtrlS is an IT services company that specializes in data center solutions and is headquartered in India.

Main Operational Activity of CtrlS

The main operational activity of CtrlS Datacenters Ltd., the owner of AS55808, is providing various data center services such as cloud hosting, disaster recovery, dedicated servers, and managed services to a broad range of clients including enterprises and small-to-medium-sized businesses.

Establishment of AS55808

There is no specific public record for the exact establishment date of AS55808 within readily available databases or resources. Typically, information about the creation date of an autonomous system is not widely published; it’s often identifiable through historical records of internet registries or specific announcements from the owning organization.

Malicious Usage of AS55808

Concerns regarding whether hackers or spammers use AS55808 with malicious intent can be informed by checking various online security databases and blacklists. According to CleanTalk, a service that offers a database of IP addresses involved in spamming activities, there might be instances where IPs within AS55808 were reported for engaging in such activities. As of my last update, please check directly for the most current details, as this information can frequently change based on new data and reports.

Note: The above-mentioned URL is provided for reference purposes only. Since direct linking is not allowed here, one would need to manually navigate to the CleanTalk website to look up AS55808's status regarding spam or hacking-related activities.

WhoIs AS55808


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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