AS56385 Private Enterprise Broadcasting Company NTK

Spam statistics of AS56385 Private Enterprise Broadcasting Company NTK

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About AS56385

Owner of AS56385

The owner of AS56385 is not explicitly mentioned, as the assignment of autonomous system numbers (ASNs) can be made to various organizations like internet service providers (ISPs), large corporations, or universities. To determine the current owner of AS56385, one would typically refer to a registry database provided by a Regional Internet Registry (RIR).

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS56385 would depend on the organization that owns it. ASNs are used to manage routing policies and internet traffic. The owner of AS56385 would likely use it for managing their network infrastructure and ensuring efficient and secure data routing.

Establishment of AS56385

The establishment date of AS56385 is not readily available in public resources. Typically, an ASN's creation date can be found in the RIR's database that manages the region in which the ASN was allocated.

Malicious Use of AS56385

Regarding the question of whether hackers or spammers have used AS56385 with malicious intent, specific data from would be required to provide detailed information. However, without access to external databases or websites such as, this information cannot be verified or provided here.

It is important to note that any autonomous system could potentially be misused by malicious actors if proper security measures are not in place. ISPs and organizations work continuously to monitor and protect their networks from such activities.

WhoIs AS56385


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