AS5639 Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago

Spam statistics of AS5639 Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
Trinidad & Tobago
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS5639

Owner of AS5639

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) number 5639 is Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago, also known as TSTT. TSTT is a large telecommunications provider offering a variety of services including voice, data, and internet services.

Main Operational Activity

TSTT's main operational activity revolves around providing comprehensive telecommunications solutions to residential and business customers within Trinidad and Tobago. Their services encompass mobile communications, broadband connectivity, voice services, and television among others.

Establishment of AS5639

The establishment date of AS5639 is not commonly published information. However, the creation of an AS generally corresponds with the inception or expansion of its owner's networking infrastructure to require unique global routing policies.

Malicious Use of AS5639

As with any large network, there is potential for abuse by hackers or spammers. According to data retrieved from CleanTalk, a service that monitors and reports on the behavior of autonomous systems, there may have been instances where AS5639 was used with malicious intent.

It is important to note that the presence of such activity does not necessarily implicate the network's owner directly, as it could be the result of compromised systems within the network or unauthorized use. Network owners often take steps to mitigate and prevent such abuses when they are detected.

Please note that the details about the malicious intents and activities should be interpreted carefully and within the context of overall network traffic and behavior. For current and specific details about any reported malicious activity from AS5639, one would need to visit the CleanTalk website or similar services that track this information in real-time.

WhoIs AS5639


SPAM active IP addresses in AS5639 Telecommunication Services of Trinidad and Tobago

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1190.58.8.82018-10-03 05:22:142024-07-21 21:00:4313
2190.58.141.132021-05-23 12:45:592024-07-25 14:21:0425

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate
1186.44.0.0/15Trinidad & Tobago1310721687530.00%
2186.45.128.0/21Trinidad & Tobago2048168161.00%
3190.58.0.0/16Trinidad & Tobago65536516160.00%
4186.45.128.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10248281.00%
5186.45.132.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10248681.00%
6186.45.240.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10244861.00%
7186.45.240.0/21Trinidad & Tobago204810260.00%
8186.45.248.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20482950.00%
9190.59.0.0/16Trinidad & Tobago6553659750.00%
10186.45.136.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20481440.00%
11186.44.220.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10243330.00%
12186.45.140.0/22Trinidad & Tobago1024830.00%
13186.45.232.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20481930.00%
14186.45.252.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10241330.00%
15190.58.72.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20481330.00%
16190.58.104.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20483030.00%
17190.58.112.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20485030.00%
18186.44.64.0/22Trinidad & Tobago1024720.00%
19186.45.64.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20485520.00%
20186.45.68.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10242520.00%
21186.45.232.0/22Trinidad & Tobago1024820.00%
22186.45.248.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10241620.00%
23190.58.76.0/22Trinidad & Tobago1024520.00%
24190.58.108.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10241220.00%
25190.58.112.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10242320.00%
26190.58.120.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20482620.00%
27190.58.124.0/22Trinidad & Tobago1024620.00%
28190.58.248.0/21Trinidad & Tobago20483920.00%
29190.58.248.0/22Trinidad & Tobago10241820.00%
30190.59.128.0/19Trinidad & Tobago81929920.00%