Spam statistics of AS56653 TV-COM AG

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DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS56653

Owner of AS56653

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 56653 is not specified in the public WHOIS databases. To determine the exact owner, one would typically look at the Regional Internet Registry responsible for the region in which the AS is located, such as RIPE NCC, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC, or AFRINIC.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS56653's owner could range from providing internet services to hosting, but without specific details on the owner, this information cannot be accurately given.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS56653 is not readily available in public records. This information might be accessible through a direct query to the relevant internet registry or by contacting the AS owner directly.

Use of AS56653 by Hackers or Spammers

As for the use of AS56653 by hackers or spammers, there are no clear indications that this AS is specifically involved with malicious activities based on publicly available data. However, any network can potentially be abused by bad actors. It's important to conduct regular checks against trusted security databases like CleanTalk to monitor for reported incidents.

According to CleanTalk's blacklist database, there may not be enough evidence or reported instances of malicious activities originating from AS56653 to draw a conclusion. For the most current and detailed information regarding the reputation of AS56653, checking the latest entries on security databases like CleanTalk is recommended.

WhoIs AS56653


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate