AS57472 JR-NET, s.r.o.

Spam statistics of AS57472 JR-NET, s.r.o.

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About AS57472

Owner of AS57472

The owner of Autonomous System (AS) 57472 is not explicitly mentioned without further context or a specific database lookup.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS57472's owner involves the management of internet traffic related to its network. This includes routing decisions, maintaining the infrastructure, and ensuring network security and stability. Without more detailed information, it is not possible to provide specifics about the services or operations.

Establishment of AS57472

The exact establishment date of AS57472 is not provided here. Usually, this information can be found in the registry databases of regional internet registries or through network information services.

Malicious Use of AS57472

Regarding whether AS57472 has been used for malicious intents such as hacking or spamming, there is no direct information provided in this context. However, various online resources track the reputation of AS numbers to identify any potential misuse. Websites like CleanTalk may offer insights into whether an AS has been reported or blacklisted due to suspicious activities.

WhoIs AS57472


Detected networks prefixes

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