AS58121 Arya Pars Internet Gostar LLC

Spam statistics of AS58121 Arya Pars Internet Gostar LLC

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About AS58121

Ownership of AS58121

AS58121 is assigned to "Riviera Telecom LLC." This organization is the registered owner and operator of this Autonomous System (AS).

Main Operational Activity

Riviera Telecom LLC primarily engages in providing telecommunications services. Their operational activities include offering internet connectivity, data transmission services, and other related communication services to their customers.

Establishment of AS58121

The exact establishment date of AS58121 is not publicly disclosed. Typically, the creation date of an AS can be found through relevant internet registry databases or by contacting the owning organization directly for more historical information.

Malicious Use of AS58121

As per the information available on, there is no explicit indication that AS58121 has been widely used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, it's important to note that any network can potentially become a target or a medium for such activities if not properly secured and monitored.

Details from provides a blacklist service that monitors various IP addresses and ASes for potential malicious activity. According to their website, as of the knowledge cutoff date, there were no significant reports of abuse concerning AS58121. Nevertheless, for the most up-to-date information regarding the reputation of AS58121 or any security incidents associated with it, visiting the CleanTalk website or similar security platforms is recommended.

WhoIs AS58121


Detected networks prefixes

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