AS58376 PT Angkasa Komunikasi Global Utama

Spam statistics of AS58376 PT Angkasa Komunikasi Global Utama

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Overview of AS58376

Owner of AS58376

AS58376, also known as PT Angkasa Komunikasi Global Utama, is an Autonomous System (AS) owned by PT Angkasa Komunikasi Global Utama. This entity is based in Indonesia and operates within the region to provide various internet-related services.

Main Operational Activity of AS58376's Owner

The main operational activity of PT Angkasa Komunikasi Global Utama includes offering Internet Service Provider (ISP) services. These services typically encompass broadband connectivity, access to internet resources, and potentially other value-added services that leverage their network infrastructure.

Establishment of AS58376

Unfortunately, without current databases or historical records at my disposal, I cannot provide a precise establishment date for AS58376. Autonomous Systems' creation dates are not publicly disclosed in standard reference materials and would typically require direct access to regional internet registry data or historical records from the organization itself.

Malicious Use of AS58376

Autonomous Systems like AS58376 can sometimes be exploited by malicious actors for activities such as hacking or spamming. According to data available on CleanTalk, there may have been instances where AS58376 has been used for such purposes. However, it is important to note that the presence of such activities does not necessarily imply that the owner of the AS is directly involved in malicious actions. It could be the result of compromised systems within their network or abuse by external actors.

To get detailed and updated information regarding the potential misuse of AS58376 for spam or hacking, one would need to refer to CleanTalk's blacklist or other similar cyber threat intelligence sources which track and document such activities on various networks around the world.

WhoIs AS58376


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