AS59279 PT Raja Mitra Informatika

Spam statistics of AS59279 PT Raja Mitra Informatika

CountryNumber of networksIP AddressesPurpose of use
DomainDetected IP addressesSpam active IPsSpam rate
Websites countIP addresses with websites

Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

About AS59279

Owner of AS59279

AS59279 (Autonomous System Number) is owned by PT. Raja Sepadan Abadi, which is an Internet service provider based in Indonesia.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of PT. Raja Sepadan Abadi involves providing internet services to its customers. This typically includes offering broadband connectivity, hosting and related internet services within the region it operates in.

Establishment of AS59279

There is limited public information available regarding the exact date when AS59279 was established. For the most accurate and updated information, one would typically refer to databases maintained by regional Internet registries or other organizations that track AS number allocations and their history.

Malicious Use of AS59279

Like any network, AS59279 could potentially be used with malicious intent by hackers or spammers. However, active monitoring and security measures are often in place to mitigate these risks. As per CleanTalk's database, there may have been incidents of spamming or other malicious activities originating from AS59279, but such information should be interpreted with caution and verified for context and recency.

As of my knowledge cutoff date, to check for recent details about the misuse of AS59279, visiting the URL provided would be recommended for the latest information on any reports of spam or malicious activity.

WhoIs AS59279


SPAM active IP addresses in AS59279 PT Raja Mitra Informatika

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1103.227.252.1312023-03-01 15:35:442024-12-14 15:55:2771
2103.227.252.1332024-11-11 06:55:372024-12-05 20:29:1611
3103.227.254.262024-01-08 21:59:552024-12-13 16:29:1415

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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