AS60110 Model Telecom Ltd

Spam statistics of AS60110 Model Telecom Ltd

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About AS60110

Ownership of AS60110

AS60110 is owned by SQUITTER NETWORKS.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of SQUITTER NETWORKS, the owner of AS60110, involves providing internet services as an Internet Service Provider (ISP).

Establishment of AS60110

There is no specific public information available regarding the exact establishment date of AS60110.

Malicious Activities

As per data from external sources like CleanTalk, there might be instances where AS60110 has been used for malicious activities. Hackers or spammers can exploit any network, and AS60110 is no exception. According to, there have been reports of abuse coming from this autonomous system. However, it is essential to note that the presence of such activities does not necessarily imply that the owner of the AS condones or supports these actions. ISPs often take measures to prevent and mitigate such misuse of their services.

WhoIs AS60110


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