Spam statistics of AS60696 AROELENA-AS, RO

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- spam active IP adresses

About AS60696

Owner of AS60696

The owner of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS60696 is currently unknown as this information is not publicly disclosed in all databases. ASN ownership details are typically provided by regional Internet registries, and the owner's identity might be available through them.

Main Operational Activity of AS60696

The main operational activity of AS60696's owner is also not specified due to the lack of publicly available data. ASNs are generally used by various organizations such as Internet Service Providers (ISPs), universities, government agencies, and private companies for routing internet traffic.

Establishment of AS60696

The establishment date of AS60696 is not readily accessible in public records. Information regarding when an ASN was established might be maintained by the issuing regional Internet registry but is typically not disclosed widely.

Malicious Use of AS60696

Concerning the use of AS60696 for malicious intent such as hacking or spamming activities, there is no specific evidence or details provided on the website regarding this ASN being used for such purposes. It is essential to note that the reputation of an ASN can change over time, so monitoring services like provide updated data concerning potential security threats associated with different ASNs.

For up-to-date information regarding the reputation of AS60696 and any recorded instances of abuse, one would need to refer directly to services that track such data, which may include websites like or other cybersecurity databases.

WhoIs AS60696


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate Virgin Islands2561321.00%