AS60966 Nikem Net Ltd.

Spam statistics of AS60966 Nikem Net Ltd.

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About AS60966

Ownership of AS60966

AS60966 is owned by Patrik Lagerman WEB, a company engaged in various internet services. Patrik Lagerman stands as the individual responsible for the autonomous system.

Main Operational Activity

The primary activity of Patrik Lagerman WEB, the owner of AS60966, involves providing hosting services, domain registration, and related internet services to its clientele.

Establishment of AS60966

The exact date of establishment for AS60966 is not publicly disclosed in general networking databases. Typically, detailed historical data regarding the creation and operational commencement of individual autonomous systems is not maintained in public records.

Malicious Use of AS60966

There are no explicit reports or evidence suggesting that AS60966 is frequently used by hackers or spammers with malicious intent. However, the reputation of any autonomous system can fluctuate over time due to various factors, including potential abuse by malicious actors.

According to CleanTalk's database, there isn't readily available information specific to AS60966 on their site regarding any current malicious activities associated with this autonomous system. It is important to consider that such databases may not have real-time data, and it's always prudent to consult multiple sources or the latest security reports for up-to-date information.

WhoIs AS60966


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