AS61652 Webplus Brasil Ltda Me

Spam statistics of AS61652 Webplus Brasil Ltda Me

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Overview of AS61652

Owner of AS61652

The autonomous system (AS) number 61652 is registered to Data Center, a hosting and data center service provider based in Brazil.

Main Operational Activity

The primary operational activity of AS61652's owner,, involves providing data center services such as web hosting, managed servers, colocation, cloud services, and dedicated servers. They cater to a range of clients requiring reliable hosting infrastructure.

Establishment of AS61652

Information regarding the exact establishment date of AS61652 is not publicly available in standard WHOIS databases or regional internet registry listings. This information might be accessible directly from the organization or through detailed historical records maintained by network information centers.

Malicious Use of AS61652

As with many hosting providers, AS61652 may occasionally be used by individuals or entities with malicious intent, such as hackers or spammers. However, there is no specific public evidence suggesting that AS61652 is predominantly used for such activities. Websites that monitor blacklisting events, like CleanTalk, can provide insights into whether an autonomous system has been implicated in spam or other malicious activities.

Details from CleanTalk on AS61652

According to CleanTalk's blacklist database, there are currently no details indicating that AS61652 has been used for spam or malicious activities. It's important to note that this status could change, and ongoing monitoring would be required to keep up-to-date with the reputation of any autonomous system.

WhoIs AS61652


SPAM active IP addresses in AS61652 Webplus Brasil Ltda Me

#Sender IPDetectedLast seenReported as spam
1131.100.209.702019-09-30 01:14:162024-05-15 07:10:327

Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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