AS63494 Inovasi Jaringan Nusantara

Spam statistics of AS63494 Inovasi Jaringan Nusantara

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Spam activity log

- spam active IP adresses

Overview of AS63494

Ownership of AS63494

Information about the ownership of Autonomous System Number (ASN) AS63494 is not readily available in public databases. Typically, ASN information can be found through regional internet registries or other online resources that track AS ownership but such details for this specific ASN are currently unspecified.

Main Operational Activity

The main operational activity of AS63494's owner is also not publicly detailed. ASNs generally represent large organizations or service providers that manage IP address allocations and routing policies. Without specific details on AS63494, we cannot ascertain the exact nature of its operations.

Establishment Date

The establishment date of AS63494 is not publicly documented. ASNs are usually assigned by regional Internet registries upon request after an organization proves its need for an autonomous routing policy. The date of assignment would typically indicate when the ASN was established.

Malicious Use of AS63494

Regarding the use of AS63494 by hackers or spammers with malicious intent, information from CleanTalk, a security service that monitors and reports on spam and hacking activities, may provide some insights. However, without direct access to such details from the source you've mentioned, it's difficult to confirm any allegations or reports of abuse related to AS63494.

If you have concerns about potential misuse or need more detailed information, contacting the relevant authorities or cybersecurity experts who have access to updated threat intelligence databases might help clarify the situation.

WhoIs AS63494


Detected networks prefixes

#Network prefixCountryLengthDetected IP addressesSpam active IP addressesSpam rate

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